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Willie W. Webfoot helps you configure Eudora...

Eudora Basics
"If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things."
—Van Gogh

To get started in sending and receiving mail, you only need to be aware of a few basic things.

Pull down the Message Option on your Menu bar and you will see your options. To send a message, just click on the new message option and follow the directions for the fields.

  • To: type in the e-mail address where you wish to send your message.
  • From: Will fill in automatically, based on your configuration.
  • Subject: A brief description of the topic of your message.
  • Cc:(Carbon Copy) and Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy): allows you to send copies to other e-mail addresses.
  • Attachments: If you wish to attach a file to your message, you need to click on the Message option of your Menu bar and then choose "Attach Document." You will then be given a box which will allow you to choose the file from your hard drive that you wish to attach. Once you click on Okay, the file will be attached to your e-mail.
  • The body of your letter is where you compose your message.
  • When you are done, click on the send box or use "control + e" on your keyboard and you will be sending your message!

The most common follow-up question we have received is how do I set up a list of multiple addresses and how do I send a note to multiple recipients? Most of these questions can be answered by studying nicknames. When sending a message to a large list of names, be sure to consider using the Bcc field, so that the message "appears" to have only been sent to a single address.

Hint—If you want to test your configuration—send some mail to yourself. When it comes back to you, you know that everything is configured properly.

Hint—When you receive a message and want to reply, select Message on your Menu bar and then select Reply. This will automatically set up your To: and From: fields and place the original subject on the subject line with a Re: in front of it.


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