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Willie W. Webfoot guides you through newsgroups

Finding Newsgroups
or Where do I find information on...

"I am always willing to learn, however I do not always like to be taught."
—Winston Churchill

There are a whole bunch of newsgroups. So hunting down the ones that are right for you can seem akin to finding the perverbial needle in the haystack. Here you will find a few sites to help you chart your course.

Some of these search pages and such also provide ways to look for more mailing lists that may suit your fancy as well.

Internet Newsgroups
This page will help you understand the structuring of newsgroups and provides details about how they are organized. It is a good place to get a "feel" for newsgroups.
Google Groups
Searching for a specific subject that may be coming up on a variety of groups? Or are you looking for posts by a particular author. This is a very useful tool for Usenet lovers.
Automatic News HREFs
If you access this site through a web browser that supports news, you can read messages from certain groups that contain addresses for web sites and link directly to the site.
Search for Groups
Yet another place to look for your dream news groups. This does let you get more specific in the parameters of your search, so when you've narrowed your quest, you may want to try this site.
Yahoo's Usenet Page
If you still haven't found what you're looking for or you have developed a voracious appetite for all things Usenet, then you will probably be lost in this index for a very long time. Enjoy.


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