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How to Save a Page Location for Future Reference

"Always obey your superiors—if you have any."
—Mark Twain

Willie W. Webfoot on saving a site

Each browser offers you different options on saving a location for future surfing adventures. Whenever you come across a page that you'd like to surf again, follow the instructions below and you'll be able to easily save the address.

Some browsers also allow you to decide which page you'd like to see when you open your browser. If you are new to the Internet, you may want to set up the Helpweb as your homepage for the time being while you begin to explore the fascinating world of cyberspace.

How are you browsing the Web?

To set The Helpweb as your homepage:

  1. Select "Options" on your menu bar.
  2. Select "Preferences..."
  3. Select "Styles" from the pull-down menu.
  4. Add "http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb" as your "Start With: Home Page Location," then click OK.

This changes slightly in the newer versions of Netscape:

  1. Select "Options" on your menu bar.
  2. Select "General Preferences" from the pull-down menu.
  3. Select "Appearance"
  4. Add "http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb" as your "Start With: Home Page Location," then click OK.
  • Add The Helpweb to your bookmarks by clicking on menu bar "Bookmarks," then click "Add Bookmark."
  • Need a little help managing your bookmarks? This tutorial on Effective Bookmarks Management is designed to help you get the most out of Netscape's bookmarks. Just don't forget to bookmark the HelpWeb before you start studying!

Index of Browsers

To set the Helpweb as your homepage:

  1. Select "Options" on your menu bar.
  2. Select "Preferences..."
  3. Select "Document" options
  4. Add "http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb" as your Homepage and make sure the autoload button is checked, then click OK.
  • Add The Helpweb to your hotlist by selecting "Navigate" on the menu bar," then click "Add to Hotlist."
  • You may also add an item to your hotlist by selecting on the "Hotlist" button.
Index of Browsers


  1. Add The Helpweb to your bookmarks by selecting "Bookmarks" on the menu bar," then click "Add Bookmark."
Index of Browsers


  1. Add The Helpweb to your bookmarks by selecting "Bookmarks" on the menu bar," then click "Add Bookmark."
Index of Browsers

To set up The Helpweb as your homepage:

  1. Select "Settings" on your menu bar
  2. Select "Preferences"
  3. Add "http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb" as your Startup Document, then click okay.
  • To add the Helpweb to your Hotlist, select "Retrieve" on your menu bar
  • Select "Add to Hotlist"
  • You may also add a page by selecting the "Hotlist" button.
Index of Browsers

WebExplorer (OS2 Warp):

  1. Click on the "thumbs up" icon to add The Helpweb to your quicklist.
Index of Browsers

AOL Web Browser:
To Set up the Helpweb as your homepage:

  1. Click on the "Prefs" button.
  2. Type in: "http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb" (without the quotes)
  3. Click on "OK" to save.

To add the Helpweb to your favorite places:

  1. In the upper right corner of the browser window (next to the min/max arrows) there is a heart icon. Click on this icon to bookmark the current page.
  2. You can later revisit this page (or modify/delete the entry) by clicking on the browser's "Favorite Places" icon
Index of Browsers

Prodigy Web Browser:

  1. Add The Helpweb by selecting the "HOTLIST" button.
  2. Select the "ADD TO HOTLIST" button.
  3. Select the "OK" button.
  4. Select the "CLOSE" button.
Index of Browsers

MS Internet Explorer:
To set the Helpweb as your homepage:

  1. Select "View" from the toolbar.
  2. Select "Options".
  3. Select "Start & Search Pages" tab.
  4. Select "Use Current".
  5. Select "OK".

To save the Helpweb as one of your favorite places:

  • Select "Favorites" from the tool menu or the "starred-file" icon on the tool bar.
  • Select the "ADD" button.
Index of Browsers

To set the Helpweb as your homepage:

  1. Select "Navigation" from the toolbar.
  2. Select "Set Home Page".
  3. Type in: "http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb" (without the quotes)
  4. Select "OK".

To save the Helpweb as one of your favorite places:

  • Select "Bookmarks" from the tool bar.
  • Select "Add Page Here".
  • Type "Helpweb" in the "Title" box and "http://www.imagescape.com/helpweb" (without the quotes) in the "Address" box.
  • Select "OK".
  • You may also add a page by clicking the right mouse button while you are on that page and selecting "Add to Bookmarks".
Index of Browsers


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